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还是和之前一样,我们把 「英语原文直接附在译文下方。」





第一部分 介绍





At this point you have prepared a list of topics, and a reading list. Now it’s time to choose a topic.

「在此输入主题」 1。

这里另有规则。Here’s another rule.




When you write your first draft, it should be longer than the final version. This is so that you have some extra writing to throw away.


You want to have something to throw away after the first draft so that you only have to keep what is good. It is NOT faster to try to write exactly as many words as you need when you first sit down to write. Trying to do so merely makes you too aware of what you are writing. This concern will slow you down.


「目标是写出比终稿要长25%的第一稿。」 如果终稿字数要求是1000字(或四页)。请在下面写下,Word文档可自动增加25%。

Aim at producing a first draft that is 25% longer than the final draft is supposed to be. If your final work is to be 1000 words, then write that (or four pages) below. The word document will automatically add 25% to the length you specify.

现在指定论文的长度。 「字数:」「页面:」「将以上字数增加25%」


Now you have to write an outline. This is the most difficult part of writing an essay, and it’s not optional.



The outline of an essay is like the skeleton of a body. It provides its fundamental form and structure. Furthermore, the outline is basically the argument (with the sentences themselves and the words serving that argument).


A thousand-word essay requires a ten-sentence outline. However, the fundamental outline of an essay should not get much longer than fifteen sentences, even if the essay is several thousand words or more in length.



This is because it is difficult to keep an argument of more than that length in mind at one time so that you can assess the quality of its structure. So, write a ten to fifteen sentence outline of your essay, and if it is longer than a thousand words, then make sub-outlines for each primary outline sentence. Here is an example of a good simple outline:

这是一个简单概述的示例: example of a good simple outline: 主题:亚伯拉罕·林肯是谁?Topic: Who was Abraham Lincoln?
  1. 为什么亚伯拉罕·林肯值得纪念?Why is Abraham Lincoln worthy of remembrance?

  2. 他小时候的关键事件是什么?What were the crucial events of his childhood?

  3. 他的青春期?Of his adolescence?

  4. 他年轻的成年时期?Of his young adulthood?

  5. 他是如何进入政治的?How did he enter politics?

  6. 他的主要挑战是什么?What were his major challenges?

  7. 他那个时代主要的政治和经济问题是什么?What were the primary political and economic issues of his time?

  8. 谁是他的敌人?Who were his enemies?

  9. 他是如何对待他们的?How did he deal with them?

  10. 他的主要成就是什么?What were his major accomplishments?

  11. 他怎么死的?How did he die?


  1. 「主题:什么是资本主义?」 Topic: What is capitalism?

  2. 资本主义是如何定义的?How has capitalism been defined?

  3. —作者1

  4. —作者2

  5. —作者3

  6. 资本主义何时何地发展?Where and when did capitalism develop?

  7. —国家1

  8. —国家2

  9. 资本主义起源后的头50年如何发展?How did capitalism develop in the first 50 years after its origin?

  10. -资本主义在起源后的第二个五十年如何发展?How did capitalism develop in the second 50 years after its origin?

  11. —(根据需要重复)

  12. 历史的前身?Historical precursors?

  13. —(根据需要选择多个世纪)

  14. 资本主义的优势?Advantages of capitalism?

  15. 财富产生Wealth generation

  16. 技术进步 Technological advancement

  17. 个人自由Personal freedom

  18. 资本主义的劣势?Disadvantages of capitalism?

  19. 分配不均 Unequal distribution

  20. 污染及其他外部成本 Pollution and other externalized costs

  21. 资本主义的替代品?Alternatives to capitalism?

  22. 法西斯主义Fascism

  23. 共产主义Communism

  24. 这些替代方案的后果?Consequences of these alternatives?

  25. 潜在的未来发展?Potential future developments?

  26. 结论 Conclusion



Beware of the tendency to write trite, repetitive and clichéd introductions and conclusions.


It is often useful to write a stock intro (what is the purpose of this essay? How is it going to proceed?) and a stock conclusion (How did this essay proceed? What was its purpose?) but they should usually then be thrown away.

在这里写下你的大纲。「尝试让每一个大纲标题都能扩展出100字的论文内容。」 你可以添加细节,如上面有关资本主义的示例所示。

Write your outline here. Try for one outline heading per 100 words of essay length. You can add subdivisions, as in the example regarding capitalism, above.


  1. 大纲句子1:

  2. 大纲句子2:

  3. 大纲句子3:

  4. 大纲句子4:

  5. 大纲句子5:

  6. 大纲句子6:

  7. 大纲句子7:

  8. 大纲句子8:

  9. 大纲句子9:

  10. 大纲句子10(必要时重复):





现在,在 「每个大纲上写下10至15个句子完成一段话。」

Now, write ten to fifteen sentences per outline heading to complete your paragraph.


You may find it helpful to add additional subdivisions to your outline, and to work back and forth between the outline and the sentences, editing both. Use your notes,



as well. Use single spacing at this point, so that you can see more writing on the paper at once. You will format your essay properly later.



Don’t worry too much about how well you are writing at this point. It is also best at this point not to worry too much about the niceties of sentence structure and grammar.


That is all best left for the second major step, which is editing. You should think of the essay writing process as twofold. The first major step is the first draft, which can be relatively quick and dirty. For the first draft you can use your notes, extensively, and rough out the essay.



If you get stuck writing anywhere, just move to the next outline sentence. You can always go back.


The second major step is editing. Production (the first major step) and editing (the second) are different functions, and should be treated that way. This is because each interferes with the other.


创作的目的是写出内容。编辑的功能是压缩和排列。「如果你尝试同时执行这两个操作,则编辑会阻碍创作。」 合并它们不是更快,也不是更好,并且注定会令人沮丧。

The purpose of production is to produce. The function of editing is to reduce and arrange. If you try to do both at the same time then the editing stymies the production. It’s not faster to combine them, nor is it better, and it is bound to be frustrating.


Here is an example of writing associated with an outline question: (note: places where references are necessary are indicate as (REFERENCE, 19XX). How to format these references will be discussed later.

*「概述句:资本主义是如何定义的?*」像资本主义这样复杂的事物不能轻易定义。不同的作者各自提出了自己的观点。自由主义者或保守派思想家强调私有财产的重要性以及伴随着这些财产的所有权是资本主义的关键(参考文献,19XX年)。此类私有财产(包括贵重物品及其生产方式)可以与其他财产所有者在由公共需求而不是任何中央机构确定价格的市场上自由交易。自由主义者和保守派思想家强调生产效率以及质量,并认为利润是效率的动力。他们认为,较低的成本是生产的理想特征,而公平竞争有助于确保价格降低。Something as complex as capitalism cannot be easily defined. Different authors have each offered their opinion. Liberal or conservative thinkers stress the importance of private property and the ownership rights that accompany such property as key to capitalism (REFERENCE, 19XX). Such private property (including valuable goods and the means by which they are produced) can be traded, freely, with other property owners, in a market where the price is set by public demand, rather than by any central agency. Liberal and conservative thinkers stress efficiency of production, as well as quality, and consider profit the motive for efficiency. They believe that lower cost is a desirable feature of production, and that fair competition helps ensure desirably lower prices.相比之下,国际社会中由最左派政党组成的“世界社会主义运动”组织(REFERENCE,19XX)将生产财富的拥有权被一小批被称为资产阶级的少数人掌控,资产阶级为了利润剥削真正的生产者——劳动阶级,而劳动阶级为了工资不得不出卖自己的劳动力。社会主义者认为,只有利润才是资本主义的动力,而利润动机本质上是腐败的。现代环境保护主义者倾向于将自然界本身加入资本主义剥削目标清单中(参考文献,19XX)。右派思想家倾向于将资本主义制度中出现的问题视为真实存在的问题,但与其他真实的或假想的经济和政治制度所产生的问题相比,它们微不足道。The World Socialist Movement (REFERENCE, 19XX), an international consortium of far left political parties, defines capitalism, by contrast, as ownership of the means of production by a small minority of people, the capitalist class, who profitably exploit the working class, the genuine producers, who must sell their ability to work for a salary or wage. Such socialists believe that it is profit that solely motivates capitalism, and that the profit motive is essentially corrupt. Modern environmentalists tend to add the natural world itself to the list of capitalist targets of exploitation (REFERENCE, 19XX). Thinkers on the right tend to regard problems emerging from the capitalist system as real, but trivial in comparison to those produced by other economic and political systems, real and hypothetical. Thinkers on the far left regard capitalism as the central cause of problems as serious as poverty, inequality and environmental degradation, and believe that there are other political and economic systems whose implementation would constitute an improvement.


It took two paragraphs to begin to address the first outline sentence. Notice that the essay begins without referring to itself.



It is better to tell the reader what the essay will be about and how the topic will be addressed than to meander around stupidly at the beginning of an essay, but it is still better to grab the reader’s attention immediately without beating around the bush.


Once you have completed ten to fifteen sentences for each outline heading, you have finished your first draft. Now it is time to move to editing.






像资本主义这样复杂的事物不能轻易定义。Something as complex as capitalism cannot be easily defined.不同的作者各自提出了自己的观点。Different authors have each offered their opinion.自由主义者或保守派思想家强调私有财产的重要性以及伴随着这些财产的所有权是资本主义的关键(参考文献,19XX年)。Liberal or conservative thinkers stress the importance of private property and the ownership rights that accompany such property as key to capitalism (REFERENCE, 19XX).此类私有财产(包括贵重物品及其生产方式)可以与其他财产所有者在由公共需求而不是任何中央机构确定价格的市场上自由交易。Such private property (including valuable goods and the means by which they are produced) can be traded, freely, with other property owners, in a market where the price is set by public demand, rather than by any central agency.自由主义者和保守派思想家强调生产效率以及质量,并认为利润是效率的动力。Liberal and conservative thinkers stress efficiency of production, as well as quality, and consider profit the motive for efficiency.他们认为,较低的成本是生产的理想特征,而公平竞争有助于确保价格降低。They believe that lower cost is a desirable feature of production, and that fair competition helps ensure desirably lower prices.


自由主义者和保守派思想家强调生产效率以及质量,并认为利润是效率的动力。Liberal and conservative thinkers stress efficiency of production, as well as quality, and consider profit the motive for efficiency. 自由主义者和保守主义者都强调质量和效率的重要性,利润被视为适当的回报。 Liberal and conservative thinkers alike stress the importance of quality and efficiency, and see them as properly rewarded by profit.

在此示例中,在修改后,句子的含义已稍有更改。「第二句话可能比第一句话更流畅,并且更准确,更有意义。」 看看是否可以以类似的方式使你写的每句话更好:

In this example, the meaning of the sentence has been changed slightly, during the rewrite. It may be that the second sentence flows better than the first, and is also more precise and meaningful. See if you can make each sentence you have written better, in a similar manner:

「更好意味着更短,更简单」 (因为所有不必要的单词都应删掉)。对于新手来说几乎没有什么能比写短句子更快地改善他或她的写作。

Better would mean shorter and simpler (as all unnecessary words should be eliminated). There is almost nothing a novice writer can do that will improve his or her writing more rapidly than writing very short sentences.

看看 「是否可以将每个句子的长度减少15–25%」 。请记住,之前曾尝试过使文章的长度超出必要的长度。现在可以开始删减了。

See if you can cut the length of each sentence by 15-25%. Remember, earlier, you tried to make your essay longer than necessary. Here you can start cleaning it up.


「更好的意思是每个词都是准确正确的词。」 不要试图在口语对话中使用你会感到不舒服的任何单词。

Better would mean that each word is precisely and exactly the right word. Don’t be tempted to use any word that you would be uncomfortable to use in spoken conversation.


Often, new writers try to impress their readers with their vocabulary. This often backfires when words are used that are technically correct but whose connotation is not, or that are unsuitable within the context of the sentence, paragraph or full essay.

一位专业作家会立即发现这些问题,并从本质上看待它们:不过是装模作势和糊弄人罢了。「在你掌握的词汇水平上清楚地表达即可」 (可能需要一点点的延展,才能产提升自己)。

An expert writer will spot such flaws immediately, and see them for what they are: forms of camouflage and deception. Write clearly at a vocabulary level you have mastered (with maybe a bit of stretching, to produce improvement).



Read each sentence aloud, and listen to how it sounds. If it’s awkward, see if you can say it a different, better way.

「听所说的话,然后写下来。重写每个句子。」 当所有句子完成此操作后,请阅读旧版本和新版本,如果新版本更好,请用新版本替换旧版本。然后在此处复制新段落:

Listen to what you said, and then write it down. Rewrite each sentence. Once you have done this with all the sentences, read the old versions and the new versions, and replace the old with the new if the new is better. Then copy the new paragraph here:

  1. 新段落1:

  2. 对每个段落重复:

  3. 新段落2:

  4. 新段落3:

  5. 新段落4:

  6. 新段落5(等):


Now you are going to try to improve each of those paragraphs. Copy them again here, unchanged (you are doing this so that you can easily compare the improved paragraphs to the originals, so that you can be sure they are truly improved, before you keep them):

  1. 新的第1款(副本):

  2. 新的第2款(副本):

  3. 新的第3款(副本):

  4. 新的第4段(副本):

  5. 新的第5段(副本)(等):



Start with paragraph 1. Break it up into single sentences, as you did before. Now check to see if the sentences are in the best possible order, within each paragraph. Drag and drop them, or cut and paste them, into better order.


You can also eliminate sentences that are no longer necessary. When you are satisfied with the first paragraph (which means that the sentences are necessary, short and punchy, and in the correct order) then go ahead to the next paragraph and do the same thing.



现在,复制你所编辑的所有新的改进的段落:Now, copy all of the new, improved paragraphs that you have edited here:

  1. 新的改进的第1段:

  2. 新的改进的第2段:

  3. 新的改进的第3段:

  4. 新的改进的第4段:

  5. 新的改进的第5段(等):


「尝试改善这些新的,改进的段落的顺序。」 再次将它们复制到此处,保持不变。

Now you are going to try to improve the order of those new, improved paragraphs. Copy them here, again, unchanged.

  1. 新的改进的第1段(副本):

  2. 新的改进的第2段(副本):

  3. 改进的新的第3段(副本):

  4. 新的改进的第4段(副本):

  5. 改进的新的第5段(副本)(等):


Now look at the order of the paragraphs themselves (as you just did with the sentences within each paragraph).



It may well be that by now in the editing process, you will find that the order of the subtopics within your original outline is no longer precisely appropriate, and that some re-ordering of those sub-topics is called for.

因此,在上面「新的改进的段落(副本)」 进行调整,直到它们的排列顺序比之前合理。

So, move around the new improved paragraph (copies) above, until they are ordered more appropriately than they were.





So now you should have produced a pretty decent second draft. You have identified the appropriate sources, written the proper notes, outlined your argument, roughed in a first draft (paragraph by paragraph), rewritten your sentences to make them more elegant, and re-ordered those sentences, as well as the paragraphs themselves. This is much farther than most writers ever get. You may even think you’re finished – but you’re not.

「下一步将带你从“ B”作文转到“ A”作文。它甚至可以帮助你写出比以前更好的作品」(“更好”的含义是信息丰富,精确,连贯,优雅而美丽)。在此处复制你到目前为止所写的内容:

The next step will take you from a “B” essay to an “A” essay. It may even help you write something that is better than you have ever produced (better meaning richer in information, precise, coherent, elegant and beautiful). Copy what you have written so far here:


阅读完它。然后翻到空白的一页。Read it. Then go to the next page.


This part of the process will probably strike you as unnecessary, or annoying, or both, but what do you know? This is the step that separates the men from the boys, or the women from the boys, or the men from the girls, or whatever version of this saying is acceptably non-sexist and politically correct.



You have just finished reading your essay. Try now to write a new outline of ten to fifteen sentences.

「执行此操作时,请勿回头查看您的文章。」 如果需要,请返回并重新阅读整个内容,然后返回此页面,但是在重写大纲时不要看你的文章。

Don’t look back at your essay while you are doing this. If you have to, go back and re-read the whole thing, and then return to this page, but don’t look at your essay while you are rewriting the outline.


If you force yourself to reconstruct your argument from memory, you will likely improve it.


Generally, when you remember something, you simplify it, while retaining most of what is important. Thus, your memory can serve as a filter, removing what is useless and preserving and organizing what is vital. What you are doing now is distilling what you have written to its essence.



1.新大纲1: 2.新大纲2: 3.新大纲3: 4.新大纲4: 5.新大纲5: 6.新大纲6: 7.新大纲7: 8.新大纲8: 9.新大纲9: 10.新大纲10(必要时重复):


Now that you have a new outline, you can cut and paste material from your previous essay. To do this, open up a new Word document beside this one. Then cut and paste the new outline that you have written into the new Word document. Return to the original document, and scroll up to the full, re-ordered essay you copied and pasted into Part Eight, above. Then cut and paste from the re-ordered essay into your new outline.


「你可能会发现你不需要之前编写的所有内容。不要害怕删掉不必要的材料。」 你在试图摆脱不合标准的东西,只保留必要的东西。

You may find that you don’t need everything you wrote before. Don’t be afraid to throw unnecessary material away. You are trying to get rid of what is substandard, and leave only what is necessary.


Once you have finished cutting and pasting your old material into the new outline, then copy the new essay, and paste it into a new word document. That will be your final essay. Don’t forget to put a title page on it.






Now you have a third draft, and it’s probably pretty good. If you really want to take it to the next level, then you can repeat the process of sentence rewriting and re-ordering, as well as paragraph re-ordering and re-outlining.


Often it is a good idea to wait a few days to do this, so that you can look at what you have produced with fresh eyes.



Then you will be able to see what you have written, instead of seeing what you think you wrote (which is the case when you try to edit immediately after producing).



You are not genuinely finished until you cannot edit so that your essay improves. Generally, you can tell if this has happened when you try to rewrite a sentence (or a paragraph) and you are not sure that the new version is an improvement over the original.





When you write a sentence that contains what is supposed to be a fact or at least an informed opinion, and you have picked it up from something you read, then you have to refer to that source.


Otherwise, following convention, people may accuse you of plagiarism, which is a form of theft (of intellectual property).



There are a large number of conventions that you can follow to properly structure your references and your bibliography (which is a list of books and articles that you have read to obtain relevant background information, but from which you may not have drawn any ideas specific enough to require a reference).


The conventions of the American Psychological Association (APA) are commonly used by essay writers. This convention generally requires the use of the last names of the authors of the source in parentheses after the sentence requiring a reference. For example:

有必要在句子中添加一个引用,该引用包含并非您自己的观点,或者您是从某种原始资料中获得的事实(Peterson,2014年)。 It is necessary to add a reference after a sentence containing an opinion which is not your own, or a fact that you have acquired from some source material (Peterson, 2014).


Peterson(2014)认为有必要在句子中添加一个参考,该句子包含的观点并非您自己的观点,或者您是从某种原始资料中获得的事实。 Peterson (2014) claims that it is necessary to add a reference after a sentence containing an opinion which is not your own, or a fact that you have acquired from some source material.


There are also many conventions covering the use of a direct quote, which have to be followed when you directly quote someone, rather than paraphrasing them. Here is an example, adding the specific (fictional) number of the page containing the quoted material in the original manuscript:

Peterson (2014, p. 19) claims that “the conventions of the American Psychological Association (APA) are commonly used by essay writers.” 彼得森(2014年,第19页)宣称:“美国心理学会(APA)的惯例是论文撰稿人常用的。”


In the Reference List, at the end of the essay, Peterson’s paper might be listed, as follows (this is a fictional reference):

Peterson, J.B. (2014). Essay writing for writers. Journal of Essay Writing, 01, 15–24. Peterson,JB(2014年)。作家的作文。杂文写作杂志,01,15-24。


Different conventions hold for different types of source material such as webpages, books, and articles. All the details regarding APA style can be found at


Your instructor may have recommended, or demanded, use of a different set of conventions. Information about other techniques and rules can be found at




It is necessary to master at least one convention. The rules are finicky and annoying. However, they are necessary, so that readers know what writers are up to. Furthermore, you only have to learn them once, so bite the bullet and do it.




Add references where they are necessary. Then, add your reference list to the end of your essay. Make sure you construct both according to APA convention, or some other set of rules.




Now your essay is completed. Now you need to copy it into a new Word document, and format it properly.


That generally means double-spaced, with a title page, with a five space tab indent at the beginning of each paragraph.


If you want to add subtitles, or section headers, their use is discussed in detail at . Additional useful information for style, including examples, can be found at . A video discussing such matters is available at .



If you got this far, good work. If you write a number of essays using this process, you will find that your thinking will become richer and clearer, and so will your conversation.


There is nothing more vital to becoming educated, and there is nothing more vital than education to your future, and the future of those around you.


Good luck with your newly organized and refreshed mind.



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